Sunday, August 31, 2008

Long Run – Aug 30,2008

Today's long run was relatively a short one (7 miles). I am little puzzled on why the distance goes down during the marathon training but I guess this is part of the scientific process to get the body acclimatized.

I reached the White rock lake 5 min late. My pace group had already left. Since I wanted to catch up with them, I started to sprint for the first half mile at 7.5 min/mile. This was a blessing in disguise as I finally was able to reach my goal of finishing the long run below the 10min/mile which was a long standing psychological barrier :) I am going to switch my pace group from next week to 10min and below for the marathon.

Woo…Hoo..this is one small step towards reaching my goal for the marathon J

Here is the log from the GPS:





Time (HH:MM:SS) 

Avg. Pace (min/Mile) 

Avg. Speed 

Calories Burnt 

Avg. Heart Rate 










Interval Training – Aug 28,2008

I missed the Interval training with the Asha group yesterday evening since I was on a business trip to Phoenix. So, I decided to run in the Hotel gym in the morning.

Log of my Interval Training:

1 mile of warm up at leisure pace – 12 min/mile

8 * 800m at 2 minutes faster than my usual pace (10min/mile) i.e. at 8 min /mile i.e. 4 min for each 800m

1 mile of cool down at leisure pace – 11 / mile

Since I didn't have my GPS, here are the stats from the Cardio machine at the Gym





Time (HH:MM:SS)

Avg. Pace (min/Mile)

Avg. Speed

Calories Burnt

Avg. Heart Rate











I was thrilled to reach my long term goal of completing 6 miles within an hour at a decent average heart rate.

Weight Training and Ice Skating Class 3 – Aug 26, 2008

In the morning, I did some weight training. I am going to keep track of the exercises that I am doing from the next time on. I am also reading a book on how to do the exercises for the various parts of the body. "The Book of Muscle" . This is a good source of how to do the warm up for the strength training, the specific exercises for the various parts of the body and it also gives a regimen to follow for the upper body. The best part is the pictorial representation for each exercise. I will post some excerpts from the book in the future !

The ice skating training in the evening was great ! I was able to skate on the ice fluently. It's amazing what 3 classes can do to your expertise level. Of course, it helps to have a great instructor. I have not been doing much a practice other than during and after the class and that's just once a week. I am thinking of buying some roller blades to do my own training on the road J

Tempo Run – Aug 25, 2008

Tempo run is about running a good enough distance at a pace which is at least one minute per mile faster than your usual pace. My current speed is 10:15 minutes / mile. Today's goal was to run one mile warm up at a leisure pace ( 12 min /mile) and then do a 3 miles at 9 min/mile and then cool down for one mile at a leisure pace (12 min/mile).

There were just two more Asha runners that showed up for the tempo run. I started at 7 pm at a decent pace. After the warm up mile at 12min/mile, I started the 9 min/mile pace. After running for about 1.5 miles, I got really exhausted and took a break for 3 minutes. Then again did another 1.5 miles at 9min/mile. Took a break again for 2 minutes and completed the cool down at 11 min/mile.

Here are the average stats from my GPS. This is just an average. Although I have pace zones in the GPS, I am just tracking the averages.

DateDayTypeMiles Time (HH:MM:SS)Avg. Pace (min/Mile)Avg. SpeedCalories BurntAvg. Heart Rate


MonTempo Run







Saturday, August 23, 2008

The 10-mile Long Run: Aug-23-08

The maximum long run that I had done so far was 9.2 miles. So, today was going to be the longest run that I would do. It was going to be around the Whitewater lake. The weather was not so great. It was hot and humid…a deadly killer combination to do any running let alone the long run.

I got up late and reached the meeting point at 7:07 am. The running group was just about to start. I joined the group just in time ! I run with the 11 min/mile and below group although my pace is a little over 10 min /mile. This is because the other full marathon group is 10 min / mile and below. I didn't want to push myself in the beginning and so I joined the 11 min/mile group. The first 5 or 6 runners in this group are similar to me i.e. they are at 10 min / mile pace and so lead the pack. For the past 2 weeks, I have been running along with a buddy from Asha for the long run since his pace is pretty similar to him. It's always a good idea to find atleast one more person who is pretty similar to your pace and run along with him/her. This way you minimize the break time and tend to push yourself when your body want's to take rest. You will tend to continue since the other person will want to run and you don't want to slow down or lose your running partner.

I did the first 3 miles in 30 minutes. Then we took a break. For a change, I was not counting my breaks since I just wanted to time the actual run's and not the breaks. I was running at a comfortable pace which is a change from my mental barrier at 3 mile that I had earlier. I used to slow down by about 20% after my first 3 miles. For the past 2 weeks, it hasn't happened. I did the next 3 miles in 31 minutes. So, I did 6 miles in 61 minutes. From here, the weather really began to take it's toll. It was about 8:15 am by the time we completed 6 miles. The sun was really showing it's might and the weather was very humid. I began to slow down to 11 min/mile and 12 min/mile sometimes. Of course, it didn't help that we were running in a unfamiliar path. I was also slowing down a bit for my running partner. That helped because he pushed me later and I was able to keep up since I had run slow earlier. We took 3 water breaks for the first 7 miles and 3 water breaks for the last 3 miles. That tells you the impact of heat on the runners. It really drains you. I finally managed to finish the 10 miles in 1 hour and 45 minutes. One of the runners who was counting the break time as well and finished at pretty much the same time as me told me that we did the 10 miles in 1 hour and 55 minutes. Note that I could have easily shaved off 10 minutes from this because I stopped for 5 minutes for my running partner to take a restroom break and wasted another 5 minutes in trying to figure out the correct route. So, the 10 minutes in break time that I didn't count was actually those that I had wasted. Here are the stats from my Garmin ! Note that my average heart rate has come down by 6 points for one mile more. This is what I would like to see in the future ! Of course the average speed has come down by 0.1 mile but this can be attributed to the horrible weather today or may be the best weather of last week J





Time (HH:MM:SS)

Avg. Pace (min/Mile)

Avg. Speed

Calories Burnt

Avg. Heart Rate



Long Run







The Rest Day – Aug-22-08


Today was a break day and I did absolutely nothing. Added to this, I was working from home and I usually end up eating more than what is needed when I am working from home and so it was a double whammy. I am planning to do some swimming from next week on Friday's since it is low impact and a good way to maintain the momentum for the long run. Tomorrow is going to be my first long run over 10 miles and I am really looking forward to it !

Strength Training and Biking – Aug-21-08

The day started at 6:30 with some strength training for an hour. I did the usual core strength, chess and shoulder routines. A bit of leg strengthening was also involved. One of my buddies from Asha wanted to do the biking at 7:30 am. I came home at 7:30 and took out my Trek and was off to the Campion trail to join him for the biking. The trail is about 2 miles from my house and the trail runs for 4.5 miles from end to end. We decided to do one round trip of the trail (9 miles) and back to my house. So, a total of 2 + 9 + 2 =13 miles. I did better than the 8.9 miles per hour average pace that I did on Aug-17. I ran 13.3 miles at an average speed of 14.2 miles an hour. Apparently, the best bikers do it at 30 miles an hour. So, 50% of the best is not bad for a beginner J The other important thing that I noticed in biking is that my average heart rate is below 140 where as in running, it is consistently above 160. This means that I have a lot of room to improve the speed in biking but since it is supposed to be cross training, I am not laying much emphasis on speed right now. Again, here are the stats from my Garmin.





Time (HH:MM:SS)

Avg. Pace (min/Mile)

Avg. Speed

Calories Burnt

Avg. Heart Rate










Track Workout – Aug-20-2008

Today evening was a hard track workout. We were not sure if we will be keeping up the 7:00 pm time since it was raining heavily. I was keen to run in the rain as well since it would be good to have done it at least once just in case it rains on the Marathon day. Just before I went to the track, I noticed 2 rainbows in the sky. I have rarely seen two rainbows in the sky. I captured them with my iPhone (the 2G version J)

As I reached the track, the rain had stopped completely. I was happy to see my fellow Asha runners reach there on time, if not earlier J

I did a one mile warmup at 11 min/mile pace. Then did 4 repetitions of 800 m each at 2 minutes per 800m for the first 3 repetitions and 2 min 10 sec for the fourth one. I wastaking a one or two minutes breaks between each repetition. Then I did the last mile cool down at 11 min/mile pace. Here are the averages from my Garmin Forerunner.

DateDayTypeMiles Time (HH:MM:SS)Avg. Pace (min/Mile)Avg. SpeedCalories BurntAvg. Heart Rate









Gym Work out and Ice Skating Class 2 [ Aug-19-2008]

Went to the Gym in morning. Did some core workout, strength training on chest, biceps and back. One of things that I want to do is to have a list of exercises and the reps to do and the order in which to do. Hopefully, I will get this in place in the near future. Strength training is a good supplement to the hard running routines. Make sure you don't overdo the strength training and thus getting injured which might affect your running routine.

Today was the second class of skating in the Galleria rink. It was fun to be able to use both the legs comfortably for the skating and doing the different routines. I still have difficulty using my left leg for pushing and gliding through the ice and I fell down 4 times trying to do that J But I got better towards the last 30 minutes. The training starts with the instructor telling us different routines for 30 minutes and then we practicing it ourselves for the next one hour. The trick is to come back to the rink on non-training days and still practice ! I haven't done that in two weeks. I am hoping to come during this weekend to practice. Let's see how that goes. Ice skating is a little hard on your legs, if you don't know the right technique of doing it. I still think it can be considered as a cross training since you need move on your legs for the most part with the knee bent. Any exercise that you do where you move for an hour or more can be considered as cross training. If you have never done Ice skating, I would definitely recommend it. If you have done it in the past, you know how much fun it is !

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Marathon Training Continued.. [Aug-18-2008]

The past one month has been busy with training. I have been training only for 2 days on weekdays and doing the long runs on the weekends. I also joined the 5 week beginner skating program at the rink in Galleria.

I have been trying to do the regular or Hill runs on Monday's, the interval / tempo training on Wednesdays and the long runs at the Whitewater lake.

Cross Training - Biking

Since I wanted to cross train and it was too boring to do the cycling on the standstill cycle in the Gym, I bought a Trek 1.2 series, size 54 bike ( I did my first cross training cycling on this bike last Sunday (17-Aug). Again, here are the stats from my Forerunner 305.

Here is my breakdown of training so far after my last blog post (I will try to be more regular than one month updates J). All the data given here is from my Garmin Forerunner 305. I use the Forerunner with a heart rate monitor to track my progress during the runs and then download it to the Garmin software to analyze the statistics. I am a stats junkie and love to slice and dice the data.

DateDayTypeMiles Time (HH:MM:SS)Avg. Pace (min/Mile)Avg. SpeedCalories BurntAvg. Heart Rate
26-JulSatLong Run



















Missing Training because of Trip to New Jersey


Missing Training because of Trip to New Jersey








9-AugSatLong Run








Missed Training because of Rain


Missed Training because of Trip to Phoenix

16-AugSatLong Run














18-AugMonEasy Pace







As you can see, my pace has gradually increased for the long runs. Hopefully, I should reach my target pace of 10:00 min / mile for my long distance runs in the next month or two. That would take me 4hours and 20 minutes to finish the marathon which I would be happy with for my first marathon J

I watched the marathon this past weekend and the women runners ran the marathon in 2:30 and I can't even cycle 26 miles in 2:30 L This was a shock to me. I will try my best to better these times. Yeah..I mean cycling J

I will also try to start the swimming thing going this week to complete the cross training.

Strength Training

I was never a big fan of going to the Gym since I can't fathom the fact that you are in a closed Air Conditioned room and trying to pump the Iron. I would much rather plays any good sport or run / swim. But I did take the plunge about 3 weeks back and started my upper body strength training in the Gym. Although I still need to figure out how to do the upper body training for the various body parts, I am sure I should be able to do this in sync with the marathon training. Hmm..I think I am trying to do too many things in too short time. Hope my body holds up J