Saturday, August 23, 2008

Gym Work out and Ice Skating Class 2 [ Aug-19-2008]

Went to the Gym in morning. Did some core workout, strength training on chest, biceps and back. One of things that I want to do is to have a list of exercises and the reps to do and the order in which to do. Hopefully, I will get this in place in the near future. Strength training is a good supplement to the hard running routines. Make sure you don't overdo the strength training and thus getting injured which might affect your running routine.

Today was the second class of skating in the Galleria rink. It was fun to be able to use both the legs comfortably for the skating and doing the different routines. I still have difficulty using my left leg for pushing and gliding through the ice and I fell down 4 times trying to do that J But I got better towards the last 30 minutes. The training starts with the instructor telling us different routines for 30 minutes and then we practicing it ourselves for the next one hour. The trick is to come back to the rink on non-training days and still practice ! I haven't done that in two weeks. I am hoping to come during this weekend to practice. Let's see how that goes. Ice skating is a little hard on your legs, if you don't know the right technique of doing it. I still think it can be considered as a cross training since you need move on your legs for the most part with the knee bent. Any exercise that you do where you move for an hour or more can be considered as cross training. If you have never done Ice skating, I would definitely recommend it. If you have done it in the past, you know how much fun it is !

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