Saturday, August 23, 2008

Track Workout – Aug-20-2008

Today evening was a hard track workout. We were not sure if we will be keeping up the 7:00 pm time since it was raining heavily. I was keen to run in the rain as well since it would be good to have done it at least once just in case it rains on the Marathon day. Just before I went to the track, I noticed 2 rainbows in the sky. I have rarely seen two rainbows in the sky. I captured them with my iPhone (the 2G version J)

As I reached the track, the rain had stopped completely. I was happy to see my fellow Asha runners reach there on time, if not earlier J

I did a one mile warmup at 11 min/mile pace. Then did 4 repetitions of 800 m each at 2 minutes per 800m for the first 3 repetitions and 2 min 10 sec for the fourth one. I wastaking a one or two minutes breaks between each repetition. Then I did the last mile cool down at 11 min/mile pace. Here are the averages from my Garmin Forerunner.

DateDayTypeMiles Time (HH:MM:SS)Avg. Pace (min/Mile)Avg. SpeedCalories BurntAvg. Heart Rate









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