Monday, September 29, 2008

The Tempo Run – Sep 29,2008

After doing the Marathon cycling yesterday, I was not sure if I will be able to do the tempo run in the morning today. I got up pretty early (3:00 am!) since I went to bed early (10:00 pm). I decided to give it a shot anyway. I always wanted to do some Abs exercises / pushups after the run but somehow I don't have the energy to do these after the run. So, I decided to do these before the run today. After having my breakfast and protein drink at about 6:00am, I started with the Abs / Push Ups at 6:45 am. I did about 100 lower abs and 100 upper abs exercises and about 50 pushups. It was about 7:20 by the time I finished these and the Sun was also out finally! The Campion trail in Irving , where I usually do my Tempo runs, is pretty well shaded for the most part. I reached the trail at 7:45 am. Here is how I did the 8 miles tempo.

Warm up : 1 mile – 9:40 min/mile

2 minutes break (Walking)

Tempo Run for 4 miles: 8:30 min/mile

3 minutes break (Walking)

Tempo Run for 2 miles: 9:00 min/mile

2 minutes break (Walking)

Cool down for 1 mile : 9:30 min/mile

Although I felt a little sore in the calves after the run, it was fine after I did the stretches. One great way to heal your legs is to put some ice in the cold water in the bath tub and lay your legs / lower body in it for 10 minutes ( the same thing that I did after my long run).

Here are the average stats from the GPS. Note that the heart rate is only 4 above the long run which means that I could probably sustain this pace for a longer time !




Tempo Run








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